What Happens When You Jailbreak Your iPhone?

Jailbreaking an iPhone is quite an interesting topic in itself. Whenever a new iOS update is released by Apple, more and more people look forward to jailbreaking their iOS devices in order to make the most of their iPhone experience. Over the years, the awareness of jailbreaking has increased quite a lot and it is considered more of a quick workaround for adding to the functionality of your iOS device than a security risk for your iOS device. But what exactly is a jailbreak and what impact does it create? Let’s try to find out.

What Is A Jailbreak

Jailbreak is basically a process of lifting any restrictions whatsoever that are placed by Apple on your iOS device. There are different jailbreak tools available that help you to run the jailbreak and liberate it from any kind of restrictions.

These restrictions are basically related to the use of apps on your iPhone. Apple only allows you to download apps from its official App Store and not from outside. So, this means that you miss out on quite a lot of useful apps and tweaks that could really change your iPhone experience upside down. So, running jailbreak allows you to have access to all these apps and tweaks from outside App Store and customize your device to your liking.

What To Expect From A Jailbreak?

Before you jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 on your iPhone, it is important for you to know what happens exactly when the device is jailbroken and what you can expect afterwards. There are quite a few aspects of jailbreaking iPhones and some of these are discussed here.

First of all, jailbreak gives you all the freedom you need. Once your device has been rooted through a jailbreak, you can begin to download thousands of amazing new tweaks, apps and functions on your device to enhance the experience overall. And, the best part is that, you do not really have to be some tech wiz in order to make use of these tweaks and new functionality that comes along.

Secondly, jailbreaks allow for customization. Customizations prove to be quite alluring and are a main cause behind jailbreaking iOS devices. Just by downloading the springboard jailbreak app, you can be able to literally change everything on the interface including text, icons, layout positioning, default graphics, etc. Some amazing themes have been made available by community as well. Custom themes are all the more attractive as compared to what already comes with the iOS.

Another great thing that comes with a jailbreak is new functionality. Jailbreaks allow you to do things that you may never have even imagined. From changing those default toggles inside Control Center and creating memory space to texting seamlessly from just about any app, you can do whole lot of new things with your jailbroken iOS device. In short, jailbreaking your iOS device will make life easier than ever by adding different tweaks.

Jailbreaking your iOS device allows you to add functionality and that functionality is added with the help of some of the most amazing tweaks that are out there. You can search for tweaks with their names and download those that offer desired functionality. Lock screen can be tweaked, for instance, with required information like calendar and weather. The iPhone can even be tweaked to capture pictures of those who try to steal your device with incorrect unlock attempts.

Among all these benefits, you have to take care of one thing though. Jailbreaking an iOS device is double-edged sword and you can expect things to go wrong as well. Where installing trustworthy tweaks can allow you to secure your device even further, getting your hands on the wrong ones will put your security at risk. That’s probably the reason why Apple doesn’t allow for jailbreaks and only let qualified apps to be downloaded to your device. However, it doesn’t mean that you should totally avoid the idea of jailbreaking your iPhone. Just make sure that you play safe and only download the apps that are popular and safe to use.

So, what are you waiting for? Find a compatible jailbreak for your iOS device and get your hands on some of the most amazing tweaks to make your iOS experience worthwhile.